
    Soother Guide


    Once you've chosen between silicone and natural latex, you can start browsing among the different profiles on suction parts. The differences between them are for your child's liking and taste. Some like symmetrical profiles, and others like anatomical ones.

    3. Choice of soother model

    We have different types of shields, all with many air holes that help keep the skin dry around the mouth. In addition, should the accident happen and your child gets the entire shield in his mouth, you should not panic, but remove the soother as carefully as possible. The generous hole image in the shield means that the child can still breathe

    Our wide range of soothers is suitable for babies of all ages, however it may be good to adjust with a smaller soother for the first 6 months. There we recommend one of our newborn or mini models that have a silicone suction part and where the shield is not that big.

    Our soothers models:

    · Classic newborn (0-2 months) Anatomic suction part in silicone

    · Classic mini (0-6 months) Anatomic suction part in silicone.

    · Classic (4-36 months) Anatomic suction part. Available in both silicone and latex

    · Classic glow (4-36 months) Anatomic suction part in silicone. Glow in the dark.

    · Happy newborn (0-2 months) Symmetrical suction part in silicone.

    · Happy mini (0-6 months) Symmetrical suction part in silicone.

    · Happy mini glow (0-6 months) Symmetrical suction part in silicone.

    · Happy (4-36 months) Symmetrical suction part. Available in both silicone and latex.

    · Happy glow (4-36 months) Symmetrical suction part in silicone. Glow in the dark.

    · Knoppa (4-36 months) Symmetrical suction part. Available in both silicone and latex.

    · Chilla lilla (0-6 months) Symmetrical suction part in silicone.

    · Chilla (4-36 months) Symmetrical suction part. Available in both silicone and latex.

    · Chilla glow (4-36 months) Symmetrical suction part in silicone. Glow in the dark.

    Care advice

    Before using the soother for the first time, it should be sterilized for 5 minutes in boiling water to ensure hygiene. Make sure that the soother is not against the bottom or edges of the pan, as the high heat can damage the pacifier. Then let it cool and squeeze out any water from the suction part. The soother must not be tested or used within 30 minutes after sterilization.

    Avoid washing-up liquid - running warm water is plenty and well before each use.

    For your child's safety, check the product regularly

    · Make sure you always check the soother before use by pulling the suction part in all directions. No pacifiers are made to handle biting. Instead, replace the soother if it is damaged or weakened. Approximately every two months, we recommend that you change your baby's soother.

    · Avoid exposing the soother to direct sunlight or heat as this weakens the suction part.

    · Also do not dip the soother in medicine or something sweet as this can destroy your child's teeth.

    · Do not tie the soother in ribbons or strings as this poses a suffocation risk. Use Esska's Soother's Holder instead.

    · If by any chance the soother and shield should end up inside the baby's mouth, don't panic, the soother cannot be swallowed and contains holes for breathing in the shield. Instead, pick it out as carefully as possible.

    Benefits of soothers:

    · The baby can be satisfied without lying at the breast.

    · Someone other than the mother can comfort the baby when it wants to suck.

    · If you want to stretch out in the gaps between meals, it makes it easier if you use a soother.

    · It may be easier to get the baby to fall asleep in bed instead of in your arms if he is sucking on a soother at the same time.

    · You can more easily get a child who wakes up at night to fall asleep again if you have the help of a soother.

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