About Vimse

Sustainable consumption

With over 30 years of experience, Vimse produces reliable washing and reusable products for the smallest in the family.

Our historia

Imse and Vimse are two separate brands with shared roots and a shared vision - to be part of making sustainable consumption the norm, not the exception. Imse and Vimse offer functional and reusable hygiene products, for women and children. The concept of Imse and Vimse was inspired by a real need. When our founder, Marie Walleberg, discovered that cotton cloth nappies were the solution to her child's nappy rash, she decided to share the insight with others. This was the beginning of what is today Vimse. We suspect that many people choose disposable products for their children and period protection for themselves without giving much thought to the fact that there are other options. Also, that the unexplored options have economic as well as health and environmental benefits. We want to change that. Our contribution to this transition is reusable hygiene products. What both brands have in common is that we develop products that are kind to the skin and also to the environment. As well as beautiful to look at.

Vimse - part of Bare Collective

Making a sustainable choice for your child is an act of the future. For us, that choice should never come at the expense of function and feeling. Our range came about because we lacked a circular mindset in the store's selection, but perhaps most of all because of irritated little children's bums in our vicinity who demanded kinder and more pleasant solutions.
